Nicole Mitchell – Nicole
What’s going on dudes? Uncle Sanchez has a new fly in his weekly trap. Let me tell you how it happend. Me and my loyal niggaz: Al B & JMac where hunting around South Beach. It was hot outside so we decided to pull over and buy some ice cream. Then we saw this chick who was crossing the road right in front of us without even paying any mind to us. So J Mac tried to hit on her but poor boy didn’t get lucky. Then it was my turn. I speak the language of money, baby. After 5 minutes. This girl, named Nicole, found herself talking with us and completely forgeting about her original destination which was Yoga class. We offered her a $100 bucks for an interview and a ride (honestly we didn’t mention what kind of a ride)Wink, Wink. Her story about who she was and what kind of a person she happend to be wasn’t quite interesting to listen to. I decided to explain to her what kind of ride we really were talking about. A creepy one. J/K $5000 on a debit card that I found somewhere got her to agree with the proposal. What a nice round ass on this girl. She sucked J Mac’s dick like a wild woman. Wild I tell you. WILD!!!Then she got on top of him. That was hot! Drop off was classical. I bet she’s gonna remember the time she spent with us. Every single time she see’s a bus driving by. Alway’s do them DIRT.
Download Nicole Mitchell in ‘Nicole’Download Nicole Mitchell in ‘Nicole’